Attitude and Hard Things

Hard ThingsI truthfully despise protein drinks. I assure you I’ve tried every single brand and flavor there is to offer in the world and I haven’t found one that I can honestly say I enjoy partaking of each morning. I also have to take them if I have any chance of maintaining (It would be nice to even increase) my hefty 135-140 pound frame. This usually means that I have to start each morning already not looking forward to what lies ahead… the dreaded grainy/foamy protein drink.

I don’t like starting my day off on a bad note so this morning I  decided to do something about it. Usually, when I have to face something difficult or undesirable, I’ll try to get myself “pumped up.” I see guys at the gym all the time, before throwing up 400 lbs on the bench press, start slapping themselves in the face, grunting, clenching their fists and I’ve even seen yelling like a cave man. So I decided to do this, with the exception of the yelling and slapping part, to get my protein drink down this morning. It worked!! I forgot about the taste and just focused on getting it from outside my stomach to the inside.

So inevitably, we will all face difficult times, situations, decisions, people and yes… even pets (I still can’t get Drogba potty trained!) throughout our lives. However, there is a key to facing and getting through these without it having to negatively affect you. Your attitude about everything determines your ability to ascend above the undesirable somethings.

I can’t wait until tomorrow morning 😉

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